EQUIPMENT:Nikon D1H300 f/2.8 AF300 MFMonopodPROCESS:During Small Format lab we practiced using the 300mm lenses for the first time. Our goal was to get a good action shot, including the person's face and the ball right infront of their hands. Timing was everything and motor drive really helped!

Nikon D1H
300 f/2.8 AF
300 MF
During Small Format lab we got to practice our timing skills, while some of the guys threw a football back and forth. I shot this photo with the 300mm manual focus lens. Not much to it, just practice!
EQUIPMENT:Nikon D1H300 f/2.8 AF80-200 AFMonopod!!PROCESS:Before the game started there was really nice light over the field. So, while the team was warming up I got a few shots. When the sun started going down I tried to use the schools 285 flash, but that stupid thing wouldn't work. And it also didn't help that the camera batteries said they were charged but died shortly after I turned on the camera. But anyways, there was no flash and barely any battery power. So, thats just a reminder to make sure everything works completely before getting out there, even though you try it once, then just try it again. Better safe than sorry!