While at the State Fair on an assignment for my internship I had the idea to get on some rides and photograph the people enjoying the ride. I sat right infront of these girls and just held the camera behind me. Without looking through the camera I just started snapping some photos. Since I was using a wide-angle lens I wasn't unsure about not having them in the frame, but having them in focus was my main concern. The ride was bumpy and they were flying all over the place, and some of my photos were "fuzzy bunnies" and some were tact sharp... Nikoro Uzoho (7) and Kaitlyn Barnas (9), from Wake Forest, ride the "Worm" on Tuesday afternoon at the State Fair in Raleigh.
EQUIPMENT:D1H17-35PROCESS:During my internship at the Carolina Peacemaker I was sent to photograph the State Fair in Raleigh. Of course I didn't pass the chance to park my car, enter the fair and ride some rides for free! I wanted to get on a ride that went upside-down, so I could photograph the people riding as they were upside-down with their hair going everywhere and with people on the fairground below. But, my stomach and upside-down fair rides don't mix well together, so instead, I decided to hop on the "Pirate" ride that almost did the exact thing... Tashannon Gooch and Maurice McNeil, from Durham, ride the "Pirate" on Thursday afternoon at the State Fair in Raleigh.
EQUIPMENT:D1H80-200PROCESS: I shot this during the second quarter of the NBA at f/2.8 with a shutter speed of who knows? ...The Wizard's, Brendan Haywood, and the Bobcat's, Jake Voskuhl, scramble for a loose ball during the second quarter on Tuesday evening at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
On the first day of my internship at the Carolina Peacemaker in Greensboro I got to photograph the NBA. Since it was the NBA, I couldn't use flash and I had to shoot with the available light provided by UNC, which was not too great, but I was able to get 1/250 @ 2.8 for some shots... Melvin Ely of the Charlotte Bobcats scores two points during the NBA game against the Washington Wizards on Tuesday evening at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.