Red Gel
For photojourn. we had to follow a person around for a day and photograph them. I choose to photograph Kelly Hine, she is a first time teacher at Wallburg Elementary School in W-S. While she was writing sentences on the overhead, I had this shot in mind. I put a red gel over my 285Q and placed it on the floor behind her (pointing up towards the whiteboard). The overhead was the light for her face. I shot at f/2.8 at 1/125. Without the kid raising his hand in the frame I dont think it would've made the picture.
EQUIPMENT:Nikon D1H17-35mmPROCESS:For a weekly in photojournalism I choose to photograph putt-putt. There was a mother and her daugther there that day, and they said I could follow them through the game a photograph them. I was shooting with ISO 200, f/5.0 and I cant remember what shutter speed, it was automatic.
EQUIPMENT:Nikon D1H17-35mm2- 285QLight StandVivitar Soft BoxPocket WizzardsPROCESS:For photojournalism we all had to select one person who competes in a sport and come up with a unique portrait that demonstrates the atheletes abilities. I chose to photograph McKayla Hayes, age 11. I set up one 285Q to the left of the frame with the soft box on it, pointed towards her face. The second 285Q was held right above her head pointing down on her face as well. I shot at ISO 200, f/5.0 and with a shutter speed of about 1/60?? I kept increasing the shutter speed because I wanted the background to be dark and only her in the light, so im not sure exactly what shutter speed I was at for this shot.
EQUIPMENT:Nikon D1H300AFMonopod(f/2.8, shutter speed= really fast, ISO 400)PROCESS:I followed five men as they competed against 25 other men, in a game of golf, for a given amount of cash. Before I got to the golf course I had this image in mind. Nearing the end of their game nobody had shot their golf ball in the sand, until Pete May did so. He shot is ball in the sand twice and the first time I was able to achieve this shot like I imagined.
EQUIPMENT:D1H300 AF285 QMonopodPROCESS:During Asheboro's JV football game I was shooting some extra shots of people in the stands and the players themselves. For this image I shot at f/2.8, ISO 800 with a shutter speed of around 250 (?? it was on automatic so im not exactly sure). I did not use the flash for this image.
EQUIPMENT:D1H17-35mmPROCESS:For the weekly assignment in photojourn. I choose to photograph a day at Putt-Putt. I needed a detail shot so yeah...