Red Gel
For photojourn. we had to follow a person around for a day and photograph them. I choose to photograph Kelly Hine, she is a first time teacher at Wallburg Elementary School in W-S. While she was writing sentences on the overhead, I had this shot in mind. I put a red gel over my 285Q and placed it on the floor behind her (pointing up towards the whiteboard). The overhead was the light for her face. I shot at f/2.8 at 1/125. Without the kid raising his hand in the frame I dont think it would've made the picture.
Very nice shot! The hand really shows that the teacher is engaged, and her expression seems to contemplate the answer she is preparing to deliver. The gel lighting is a nice balance to the overhead projector. This image reminds me of those moments when my teachers would turn down the lights to present overheads and filmstrips, but also puts me back in the classroom from my days as an art teacher.
i think this is a great shot as well... composition, lighting, expression, the element of the hand... looks really good.
you do a great job of making something that could be boring into something much more interesting. nice job.
I just want to say I really like this picture and I really like this person!
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