EQUIPMENT:D1H17-35mm285Q FlashPROCESS:For my internship we had to go to the Greensboro's Childrens Museum and photograph a Halloween thing they were doing, but it got cancelled, so we were assigned to just photograph the activities going on. The children's museum has got to be the coolest thing I've ever seen and I wanted to be a kid for that moment so I could play, but I fought the urge and starting shooting. I spend most of the time in the bubble center where the kids were having a blast making huge bubbles.
While at the State Fair on an assignment for my internship I had the idea to get on some rides and photograph the people enjoying the ride. I sat right infront of these girls and just held the camera behind me. Without looking through the camera I just started snapping some photos. Since I was using a wide-angle lens I wasn't unsure about not having them in the frame, but having them in focus was my main concern. The ride was bumpy and they were flying all over the place, and some of my photos were "fuzzy bunnies" and some were tact sharp... Nikoro Uzoho (7) and Kaitlyn Barnas (9), from Wake Forest, ride the "Worm" on Tuesday afternoon at the State Fair in Raleigh.
EQUIPMENT:D1H17-35PROCESS:During my internship at the Carolina Peacemaker I was sent to photograph the State Fair in Raleigh. Of course I didn't pass the chance to park my car, enter the fair and ride some rides for free! I wanted to get on a ride that went upside-down, so I could photograph the people riding as they were upside-down with their hair going everywhere and with people on the fairground below. But, my stomach and upside-down fair rides don't mix well together, so instead, I decided to hop on the "Pirate" ride that almost did the exact thing... Tashannon Gooch and Maurice McNeil, from Durham, ride the "Pirate" on Thursday afternoon at the State Fair in Raleigh.
EQUIPMENT:D1H80-200PROCESS: I shot this during the second quarter of the NBA at f/2.8 with a shutter speed of who knows? ...The Wizard's, Brendan Haywood, and the Bobcat's, Jake Voskuhl, scramble for a loose ball during the second quarter on Tuesday evening at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
On the first day of my internship at the Carolina Peacemaker in Greensboro I got to photograph the NBA. Since it was the NBA, I couldn't use flash and I had to shoot with the available light provided by UNC, which was not too great, but I was able to get 1/250 @ 2.8 for some shots... Melvin Ely of the Charlotte Bobcats scores two points during the NBA game against the Washington Wizards on Tuesday evening at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

EQUIPMENT:D1H17-35mm300 2.8 AFMonopodWhite Lightenings285QPROCESS:I shot these photographs at the AHS varsity volleyball game. Before the game started I noticed the volleyball sitting infront of the light streak on the floor and thought it looks kinda cool, so yeah. Then during the game I sat at different angles on the court to photograph the players, but I kinda liked being above the players, rather than below them for these shots.
D1HMonopod300 2.8 AF
PROCESS:During the Chic-Fil-A golfing tournament there were 3 golf courses that the big man wanted us to photograph. This photograph was taken at Holly Ridge golf course. Shane Hendren congradulates his teammate Jeff Cox after making a nice shot.
PROCESS:During the Fall Festival in Asheboro I wanted to shoot an overall of the whole festival, but as I was walking through the rain I noticed this father and son enjoying each others company under their face painting tent. Who cares if I didn't cover the whole fall festival, im not getting paid to do this, so I photographed what I wanted to!!
EQUIPMENT:D1H17-35mmPROCESS:During recess I shot these kids playing around and I never got a shot of them not playing, until they all lined up to go back to class. This was shot at Wallburg Elementary School in Wallburg, NC.

For photojournalism class we each had a person we had to photograph and have turned in before noon. I had to photograph Gina McKee, the AHS volleyball coach, at the middle school. The idea I had in my head was to photograph her in the gym with the volleyball net and gels in the background but... my idea was smashed because the middle school had a PE class going on in the gym. So I had to think of something else fast, so I took her outside and shot this. Nothing special but I shot it at f/8 @ 1/250, with ISO 200.
EQUIPMENT:D1H50mmPROCESS:This photograph was taken at the Dixie Classic Fair in Winston-Salem. I thought the swing ride looked neat with the sun going down in the background.