While at the State Fair on an assignment for my internship I had the idea to get on some rides and photograph the people enjoying the ride. I sat right infront of these girls and just held the camera behind me. Without looking through the camera I just started snapping some photos. Since I was using a wide-angle lens I wasn't unsure about not having them in the frame, but having them in focus was my main concern. The ride was bumpy and they were flying all over the place, and some of my photos were "fuzzy bunnies" and some were tact sharp... Nikoro Uzoho (7) and Kaitlyn Barnas (9), from Wake Forest, ride the "Worm" on Tuesday afternoon at the State Fair in Raleigh.
this is a great shot.. must have been hard to get.. but GREAT composition and everything..
great job and it could not have been easy...i can hear the kids screaming!
great shot, kasey. love the colors & composition. great look on their faces, too.
i really think you are one of the best photojourns we have. i've been very impressed with your work! keep it up. :)
& by the way, i really like what you did with the thumbnails at the top of the page. looks really nice.
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