Asheboro Baseball

Canon 30D
Nikon D1H

I went to the Asheboro vs. Eastern Randolph game on Friday afternoon with one shot in mind. I wanted to get a photo of the person leading off from first base sliding back to the plate. It was not a difficult shot to get, but getting the players face and eyes was difficult because they naturally looked down when sliding... But, another shot I challenged myself with was getting the pitcher throwing a pitch with the ball right on his finger tips, which was definitly hard, but once it was accomplished, getting more shots like it was not difficult.

Rich's Tree Service

Nikon D1H
300 AF 2.8
Canon 30D

This guy was cutting down a tree behind my apartment complex and the sun was right behind him. The clouds were moving a lot so I kept getting different exposures, flare, and a different background... I wanted to do a sillouette and a regular photo, so I took many shots of each...

NC High School Basketball Championship

Canon 30D
Nikon D1H
I went to photograph the NC High School Basketball Championships in the Dean Dome at UNC for the Carolina Peacemaker. I used the Canon 70-200mm for the game photos and fan photos. After South View defeated Grimsley I used the Nikon 17-35mm to get close up photographs of the celebration.

Tae Kwon Do

Canon 30D
I photographed a Tae Kwon Do class for a soundslides project for photojournalism. If I could change one thing about it, I would go back and set up lights. When I first went to the academy to ask permission to shoot the light seemed just fine, with the large windows on the right of the building, so I didn't think to bring any lights. I dont know what I was thinking :-(

The Growing Place Child Care Center

Canon 30D

After shooting at the Growing Place once before, I wanted to go back and do my feature photo story on the whole daycare. I followed around the "3's" as they call them, which is the 3-year-olds class, for a day. I wanted to get a photo illustrating what they do each day at the daycare, like recess, nap, lunch, centers, and story time.