Canon 30D
Nikon D1H
I went to photograph the NC High School Basketball Championships in the Dean Dome at UNC for the Carolina Peacemaker. I used the Canon 70-200mm for the game photos and fan photos. After South View defeated Grimsley I used the Nikon 17-35mm to get close up photographs of the celebration.
you've got some really great little moments in here, and lots of emotion. good job at getting some great features at a game!
Kasey -- well done. I like the variety and fan reaction. Way to get Total Coverage.
Great shots. Great package.
I love the top two fan shots..the angles are great...makes me feel like they're really leaning forward...it's unique and it works well.
nice set. it conveys the night. maybe 1 image was repetitious. the one withe the award. other than that...swell.
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